Blog Cabinet Interiors

The village of Bargème

Located east of the Gorges du Verdon, about twenty kilometers from Castellane, Bargème is one of the most beautiful villages in France. It is also the highest village of the Var, at 1097 meters above sea level and dates from the 12th century. Even in a region famous for its perched villages, it stands out for the magnificent views it offers.

Bargème has kept its charm with its ancient vestiges such as the 12th century church of St. Nicolas which is very typical of the Romanesque style.

At the western end of the Castle esplanade is the Chapel of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows. It owes its name to the fact that it was built by the inhabitants of the village after the massacre of 5 members of the Pontevès family. They first named it Notre-Dame d’Espaïme, a Provençal word that means fear.

In 1949, two Englishwomen came to this village to take in orphans and children abandoned during the war and provide them with a safe and healthy environment.

Bargème is located in an exceptional setting, with many hikes and walks to do! Several hamlets and villages are nearby such as the hamlet of Saint-Laurent or La Martre.

You will also find nearby La Ferme Saint-Pierre, an educational & organic eco-farm that offers lodging in various types of accommodation (teepees, trailers), fruits & vegetables from the vegetable garden as well as the opportunity to meet their animals.

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