Blog Cabinet Interiors

How to come to the Gorges du Verdon ?

Looking for a way to come to the Gorges du Verdon?

Want to discover the Verdon without your own vehicle?

How to get around the Verdon region by public transport?

You will find in this article all the information to reach the Gorges du Verdon by using public transport!

Leave your car at home and enjoy meandering through the roads by public transport. At a time when ecology is at the heart of most people’s preoccupations, have you thought about coming to the Verdon other than with your personal car? It’s very simple and allows you to enjoy and admire the view all along the way! An experience not to be missed! What are you waiting for?

You come from abroad and you are looking for a different and original way to reach the Gorges du Verdon?

You have the choice to land in one of our international airports and then take a connection that will bring you to the Verdon region!

In France, there are 4 main airports to reach the Gorges du Verdon:

Then you just have to follow the bus and / or train schedules to reach


and to enjoy the Gorges du Verdon during your stay.

Starting from Nice :

Starting from the

Nice-Ville train station

take the

bus Zou

LER31 with a 2 hour drive to reach the village of Castellane.

From Marseille :

Starting from the

Saint Charles station

station, take the

bus Zou

LER27. You will contemplate the continuation of the road while passing by the right bank of the Gorges to then arrive at


1h45 later.

From Paris :

Take the train

TGV to Grenoble

which takes about 3 hours. Then, leaving from the
Grenoble bus station,
then take the

bus Zou

LER31 for about 4h30 to Castellane, a trip worth the detour!

From Lyon :

From the
Lyon Part-Dieu station,
take the

TER train

in direction of Grenoble which takes 1h30. Then take the

bus LER31

to reach


. This trip takes about 4h30, which will give you time to contemplate the landscape all along the way!

Starting from Digne-les-Bains :

From the

bus station Digne-Les-Bains

take the

bus Zou LER31

. for a journey of about 1 hour.

You will still have time to contemplate the beautiful landscapes of Provence along the way! You will certainly enjoy this pleasant trip!

Other ways are possible:

You can also try carpooling! A safe and practical alternative to go to the Gorges du Verdon.

Different websites exist to find the closest route to your home with :









The Green Wheel


You are in Annot ?

Looking for an extraordinary sporting experience? We can offer you a

electric scooter outing


a circuit made to measure

from Annot to La Mure-sur-Argens.

You will be accompanied during all the journey by one of

our guides

a nature lover who will show you places in Provence that you must discover!

Are you in Valensole ?

Want to discover the Provencal hinterland and enjoy absolute tranquility?

We propose to you to leave to the discovery of the

of Valensole

by meeting the producers and craftsmen of the region with a guided tour in

all-terrain electric scooter

and accessible to all!

Come and admire the Lavender fields, a breathtaking view!

You are in Bargème ?

Always on

all-terrain electric scooter

Here is another possible itinerary to discover the Haut Var with this ride to discover the hamlet of


and the chapel of Notre Dame des Sept Douleurs.

Accompanied by one of our nature-loving guides, we’ll walk along paths in the heart of Provence.

Looking for other activities without leaving the Huttopia Gorges du Verdon campsite ?

Haute Provence Outdoor

offers activities directly from the campsite, allowing holidaymakers to enjoy the activities in complete peace of mind.

What we offer:



Aquatic hike







as well as a

rental of a backpack canoe

and inflatable canoes to navigate independently on the

lake of Castillon or the lake of Sainte-Croix


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